For about the last 6 months or more of my life, the Lord has been talking to me about my entire life being a worship song. As many of you know, I am a worship leader, so naturally singing is one of the ways I worship the Lord. But the problem is, my mind had started to cause me to believe and live life as though this was almost the only way for me to please and worship the Lord. As life began to unfold, I was no longer able to “worship” the Lord on stage in this way consistently. He began to show me myself and how this was effecting me way more than it should have.
At the same time, I began to feel this tug in my heart towards my family and this extremely intense desire to only tend to them in this season. Not that I wasn’t taking care of them but it was all I would think of at times. Ways to make our home life more cohesive and less stressful. I am a wife, mom of three, and I work full time as a nurse. Needless to say, life can get crazy around my house. As I began to yield to this, the Lord began to show me that this is where he wanted me to worship him the most, in my home life. Scriptures like these were coming to mind for me.
1 Timothy 5:8 says, “ But those who won’t care for their relatives, especially those in their own household, have denied the true faith. Such people are worse than unbelievers.”
Titus 2:4-5 NLT “ These older women must train the younger women to love their husbands and children, to live wisely and be pure, to work in their homes, to do good, and to be submissive to their husbands. Then they will not bring shame on the word of God.
See, I was raised in the church and I have always worked in the church in some capacity. Not only that, but as a single woman I was extremely devoted to my time of prayer and devotion, the way I was supposed to be and changing from that proved to be difficult. What I realized was that I was experiencing now more than ever was what Paul spoke of in 1 Corinthians 7:4, where he said,”... a married woman has to think about her earthly responsibilities and how to please her husband.” This wasn’t a dig but him explaining that a married woman could not only be devoted to the Lord as one who was not married due to having to care for her husbands needs.
It has taken me this long to finally realize and accept, with joy, this responsibility and not see it was a burden but as worship to God. His word says that we are to do all that we do as worship to him, but our culture has relegated worship to something musical or when we are in our private quiet time. But in this season I have received the instructions I need and approval of God during the times that I am taking care of my home or running errands for them. I literally feel His presence as I am washing dishes and folding laundry, like I would if I was in what we consider a “worship setting.”
In addition to this Holy Spirit continued to pose this question, “Is your life a worship song?” I immediately knew what He was getting at and I began to exam my entire life. Was God’s glory really being reflected in all that I do? Was I walking in excellence in everything or was I being lazy and procrastinating? Was I following His instructions as if this was the only day that I had to obey them or was I acting like tomorrow was promised? Was I using my time wisely to rest and care for this one and only body He gave me or was I running myself ragged? If I am honest, the answers to these questions were not pretty and I knew it was time to make a change.
When we become too focused on what the world deems to be “glorified” we lose sight of what the word really says concerning how we live life for God. I may not get it right every single day but I am allowing Holy Spirit to instruct me on restructuring my mind and ultimately my life so that it is a beautiful song of worship to God as I live it. I never want any area of my life to be repulsive to God because I am choosing to live it my way and not His. This may look different for you, based on the season of life you’re in right now but ask yourself this question, “Is my entire life a worship song to God?”